Motivated employees are vital to a company’s success. High levels of employee satisfaction and commitment improve performance, boost employee identification with their employer and reduce staff turnover. Our tried-and-tested measurement model provides information on which aspects of their work situation employees are satisfied with, and how these affect their performance, commitment and motivation.
We help you to boost employee satisfaction and enhance employee retention over the long term. After identifying your needs and requirements, we work with you to design and conduct a survey, and provide you with a meaningful evaluation. Our surveys integrate seamlessly into existing HR tools and processes and serve as a valuable addition.Conducting regular surveys is an important management tool and a sign of appreciation towards your employees. Employee commitment depends significantly on various factors relating to their work situation. We study these factors and perform a targeted analysis of cause and effect, and can also use demographic analysis and open questions to gain further insights. An industry comparison using benchmarks shows where your company stands in relation to the competition or comparable organisations. Results alone do not trigger a change process, however – we also support you in defining and implementing effective actions.
Our survey service can also be combined with a suitable consulting solution:
A survey does not end when we present you with the results, but is intended to initiate a dialogue within the company. Each and every employee in a company is responsible for contributing to its ongoing development, and this calls for a clear follow-up process that is actively supported. Cascading the results along the organisational structure makes it possible to reach the right conclusions in the right place. Dialogue is initiated between line managers and their teams, so that concrete actions can be defined and implemented. We use our experience and the appropriate tools to support you in designing and implementing this process.
Empiricon awards the "Employers we trust." quality label to companies and organisations that implement accompanying measures in the derivation and implementation of measures.
Our survey service can also be combined with a suitable consulting solution: